How Do You Find the Right ENT Doctor for You?
The ear, nose, and throat are vital members of the sensory system. When it comes to taking care of them, it’s important to remember just how imperative they are to your quality of life. Have you noticed a tickle in your throat that won’t go away? Is your hearing or sense of smell not quite what it used to be? It might be time to pay a visit to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor, or ENT specialist.
Choosing the right doctor isn’t a matter that should be taken lightly. You wouldn’t hire an electrician to paint your house, so why settle for anything less than a qualified professional when it comes to your ears, nose, and throat. Ideally, you can find an ENT that will go above and beyond your expectations to identify any issues and correctly diagnose and treat you. So, what constitutes a good ear, nose and throat doctor?
When determining the ENT specialist that’s right for you, take the examination into consideration. The last experience you want is an incomplete or unthorough exam, potentially leaving concerns or problem areas unidentified.
Specialists at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates ensure a comprehensive and thorough exam. You can rest assured that, when you choose one of our amazing ENT specialists, they are there to do everything they can to identify any concerns with your ears, nose, and throat.
While important, the examination may only be the first step. If your specialist does identify a problem, then you may need to undergo treatment.
Personalized Treatment
There could be any number of treatments for any number of complications. There are seven categories of expertise in which an ENT physician may specialize. These specialties, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, include:
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Head and Neck
Laryngology (disorders of the throat)
Otology/Neurotology (disorders of the ear)
Pediatric Otolaryngology
Rhinology (disorders of the nose and sinuses)
At OKOA, we won’t just set you up with a standardized treatment after your examination. We’ll work to determine the best specialist(s) for you, who will develop a personalized treatment based on your needs.
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Otolaryngologists differ from many other physicians in an important way: “They are trained in both medicine and surgery. Otolaryngologists do not need to refer patients to other physicians when ear, nose, throat, or head/neck surgery is needed and, therefore, can offer the most appropriate care for each individual patient”.
That being said, just because your ENT is trained in surgery doesn’t mean that will be the necessary course of action. It may be determined that an allergy Oklahoma ENT is the proper specialist, in which case medicinal treatments will likely be the proper treatment route.
What makes a good ear, nose, and throat doctor? Someone who is knowledgeable and properly trained. Someone who is attentive and locked in on the details. But above all, someone focused on each individual patient as just that, an individual.
Contact Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates to find the best ENT for you.