The Facts You Should Know about Breathing Allergies

The Facts You Should Know about Breathing Allergies.jpg

When your body reacts to some specific elements in the air, then you can face respiratory allergies. You can face breathing-related allergies because of pollen, dust mites, mold and pet dander.

You may notice that sometimes you face an allergy problem in a specific season. It is called seasonal allergy. When you suffer from allergy only in the presence of a specific element like when you play with pets. This is called situational allergy. Everybody does not react in the same way to a specific element. Therefore, you should not depend on others' reactions to analyze your allergy reaction.

The Symptoms

At first, you may mistake allergies for a mild cold. The general signs of breathing allergies are,

  1. Sneezing

  2. Runny nose

  3. Nasal congestion.

Mucus creates in the airways due to the presence of allergens the patient faces difficulties breathing. In many cases, you may notice all the symptoms at the very first moment, but it creates major problems over time. You may have few non-breathing symptoms along with these previous symptoms. Allergens in the air get into your eyes and cause itchy eyes. If you face itchy eye problems with breathing problems, then there may be some type of environmental allergen present.

If you avoid the allergy symptoms, then you may have anaphylaxis which is life-threatening. You may face allergies because of asthma or other breathing disorders.

Difference between Allergies and Asthma

The symptoms of asthma and allergies are quite the same. Therefore, you need to test for analyzing the source of breathing issues. Allergen is also a cause of asthma. When the allergen moves down to the lungs through the nose and throat and causes an asthma attack. You may notice the symptoms which are related to asthma and the symptoms do not match with allergy symptoms. The symptoms are,

  1. Shortness of breath

  2. Coughing

  3. Wheezing

  4. Chest tightening

  5. You may hear a whistling sound while breathing.

Contact Doctor for Allergy Testing

If you face any type of breathing problem, then do not ignore this. It may be very dangerous over time if you do not start treatment immediately. You can contact OKOA for allergy testing to get rid of these types of problems. They offer various offers such as solutions for neck and throat problems, allergy, treatment of sleep apnea in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.