Snoring Every Night? Be an Insider of the Facts of it

snoring man

When you are snoring in the middle of the night, your partner may feel disturbed, lying beside you. It is very much annoying indeed. In general, snoring can be considered normal, but it is a health condition, that needs to be treated.

Snoring is not harmful by any means. In case it is chronic, snoring treatment is needed. When you sleep, a barrier between your airways is created, and your airway becomes smaller, which is what snoring happens.

Want to know some more information about snoring? Well, we have the information that would be valuable for you afterwards. Let’s delve deeper into the topic.

Snoring- is it directly related to sleep apnea?

The fact is that when you snore the airway gets smaller. If you already have sleep apnea, then it causes the barrier to inhale-exhale, which causes the disrupting of sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you may feel that you are not fully conscious. Some of the micro-arousals will make you feel tired. Not only have that, but sleep apnea also caused blood pressure, chronic headaches, heart attack, and stroke.

Is snoring normal?

As the human body gets older, the bodyweight also increases. Snoring happens when the throat muscles relax and the airflow goes. As the extra weight may cause enlarged tonsils or excess weight around the neck, the airway tends to become narrow for breathing.

Snoring can also occur for nose and throat inflammation for allergy and the other issues. As these issues caused breathing problems, breathing is difficult and you start snoring

Symptoms of abnormal snoring

Sometimes, snoring is not normal. There may be some of the reasons to snore. It can be heart diseases, sleep apnea, diabetes, or any of the mental health issues. You have to recognize it, as soon as possible. Based on it, you can get snoring treatment accordingly.

The symptoms are the following-

  • Loud snoring

  • High BP

  • Rapid weight gain

  • Headaches in the morning

  • Working up in the night

  • Pauses in breathing

  • Concentration level is poor

If you facing these kinds of problems, kindly make sure you are not ignoring it. It may lead you to more severe problem. OKOA is for your service, as we provide leading snoring treatment in OKC. Schedule your appointment now.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.