Snoring – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

stop snoring

The noisy, unavoidable interruption that prevents you or your partner from having a rest complete night in the center of the evening. Snoring occurs to almost everyone, but it can be a chronic question for a snorer and their partner, which leads to discomfort and/or emotional friction.

It is sometimes simply a nuisance to snorkel, but sometimes it is a sign of a more severe health condition. So, it's essential to know more about the causes of snoring and when you should see a doctor if you and your partner have chronic snoring.

Cause of Snoring

To no surprise to anyone, medium-aged and older males are the biggest groups of snorers running the mill. However, snoring is more prevalent than most people know, with 30 percent of adults aged more than 30 years old snore, and one-third of snorers are women. Benign snoring, as the name says, is caused by 'upper airway turbulence' which leads to vibrations in the palate of the soft palate and uvula.

Allergies or overweight can also cause snoring. Another potential cause is to drink alcohol before bedtime, which relaxes the muscles in the airway. Or maybe you were just born to snore.

A good, restful life can be disturbed by snoring. Sadly, one of the most challenging elements of snoring is that it takes place during sleep, so it is hard to diagnose yourself without anyone current in bed observing your patterns. Ask your partner if you share a bed if you experience any of the signs you have when sleeping:

  • Irregular breathing while sleeping

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Lack of concentration

  • Sore Throat

  • Sleep deprival

  • Gasping

  • High blood pressure

The above symptoms often include snoring. Don't disregard them when you notice any of these symptoms with snoring. Talk to your doctor instead of snoring treatments.

Snoring Treatment

Although snoring can be nothing more than an irritant, snoring also means that you shouldn't ignore it as the principal symptoms of more serious sleep disturbances, including sleep apnea.

Call a Physician

If your snoring continues or disrupts you or your partner, you should call your doctor. Call your doctor if the following happens to you or your partner:

  • Loud snoring

  • Dizziness

  • Sleepiness

  • Gasping

If you do not get snoring more seriously, your doctor can suggest treatments at home that include weight loss, changes in sleep situation and drugs and alcohol avoidance.

Call OKOA for snoring treatment in Oklahoma City.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.