Role of CPAP in Dealing with Sleep Apnea

Traditionally, the role of CPAP as an air splint in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has often been combined to help open up the airways in the upper nasal tract. This sleep apnea treatment process helps to reduce sleep-related respiratory problems and increases the quality of the sleep and control the index of Apnea Hypopnea.

Unique periods call for exceptional steps

Today, however we have an unprecedented situation in which the patients’ number requiring intensive treatment simply exceeds the type of ICU beds that every nation requires. Approximately 5% of COVID-19 patients will have to be admitted to ICU, as many reports indicate, because of the enormous cases that are active in which nCOV is compromised in a short period of time. To care for these vast numbers of patients, it is simply not feasible to ventilate our current mechanical ventilators. In addition, the supply chain of suppliers across the world was disrupted and more suffering caused.

Regulatory authorities take the chance

Published statistics show that 5% of COVID-19 patients need ventilation, while for intensive care, the numbers rise to 89% (ICU). Of Chinese clinical trials, 47.2% earned invasive ventilation and 41.7% got noninvasive ventilation (NIV).

Using a non-invasive ventilation therapy such as a continuous positive respiratory pressure (ACP) or a good or quality airway pressure which is bi-level was suggested on 5 March 2020 by the National Academy for Medicine in the USA to prevent intubation and minimize the amount of time on a ventilator.

CPAP can be enhanced to 12-15 cm of H2O with 60%-100% oxygen according to the patient's response. However, patient monitoring during the CPAP trial is also mandated, as all CPAP devices lack the requisite alarms which are a function of mechanical intrusive ventilator systems.

The use of CPAP also requires the mask and circuit. In order for CPAP/NIV to be used, a well-designed non-vented full face mask with an anti-viral/bacterial filter is required for the protection from droplet pollution, as recommends by the British Thoracic Society (BTS). You must change the filter for bacteria from time to time.

Why Treatment Is Necessary?

Sleep apnea treatment is important to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke while you sleep. If you do not use the needed device to reduce the respiratory risks, you can be trouble and it can lead to fatal consequences. If you are the one suffering from acute OSA, you must schedule your appointment with a specialist in OKC. At OKOA, we have a team of experts who can diagnose your problem and help you get the appropriate treatment. Do give us a call to book your slot right away!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.