How to Stop Snoring in a Trip?


Surprisingly, it is probably one of the most common fears and worries of flying: getting embarrassed by snoring loudly on the plane and disturbing yourself. How can you avoid aircraft snoring? Learn a few simple steps and snoring treatments, such as alcohol avoidance, allergy relief and nasal strips, to help you avoid possible confusion.

The Right Position

When it comes to snoring, sleep positioning matters a lot. The easiest and most efficient steps you can take while on the road to reducing the amount and severity of your snoring are to position yourself for better sleep and less snoring.

The worst thing to do is to sleep on your back. In that position, as soon as you relax and fall asleep, tongue and soft structures of the upper respiration naturally hide the air flow in and outside of the lungs. Anyone who has past or current problems with snoring should avoid this position.

Tongue Rotating Device

An additional popular type of device is a tongue retention device, also known as a language stabilization device. This instrument works for people who can easily breathe through their nose due to the snoring due to tongue occlusion.

Nasal Spray

Nasal sprays to stop snoring are a less common, but quite efficient way of stopping snoring while you are on the road. It works to ensure the structures of the upper airway are softly hydrated and lubricated that effective air flows into and out of the mouth during sleep. This may also prevent the build-up of mucus in the nose and throat that in some people worsens snoring.

The majority of drugstores and pharmacies are able to buy nasal sprays. The bags or handbags are easily carried during journeys. These sprays should be used immediately before bedtime to achieve best results.

Last Minute Treatment

Allergy Treatment: Allergy treatment, saline sprays, nasal steroid spray help in preventing nasal congestion and improve snoring.

Nasal Dilators and Valves: Nasal dilators, nasal strips help to open the nasal strips and provides relief. The devices are designed to help in snoring.

CPAP Therapy: CPAP therapy is the most useful one for snoring treatment. The CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure helps in an airplane as it prevents snoring. Ask your provider for a travel friendly device.

Contact OKOA for snoring treatment. We will help in getting the relief that you want.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.