How Sinusitis Symptoms Get Terrible at Night?

sinusitis problem

We all have had sinus problems, which we think will get better, and we cannot stop sniffing and can't breathe well again when we go to sleep all of a moment, our throats hurt. That is annoying, it can make us believe like a sinus infection is much better (when we are not able to sleep properly, we cannot function well). It can affect our quality of life and we may need to go for acute sinusitis treatment.

What are the hindrances and what can we do to avoid this night nuisance?

Blood Flow Means More Inflammation

One way is the blood flow changes that increase inflammation. Blood pressure shifts and changes can remain longer in the upper body while you are sitting or lying down. In addition, it is possible to compress blood vessels in the sinuses by pulling gravity on the body's internal tissue. This can lead to swelling of the tissue and worse symptoms of the sinus.

At the end of the day we tend to lie, particularly when we go to bed. That is the physical adjustment that can lead to a worse night sinus infection.

How Symptoms Worsen?

If we stand or sit straight, weight pushes down from our sinuses to the esophagus. Sitting or lying down makes it harder to clear the sinuses. This means that as mucus drips down the back of the throat, it will actually flow down as the gravity works like that.

Yet gravity continues to pull into the surface as we lay down – this ensures that the mucus no longer pushes down the aesophagus. Mucus can then bathe in the back of the throat causing inflammation and worse sinus infection.

How to Cope With the Issue

Sleeping with a wetter near the bed (as dry air can lead to sinus problems) and taking decongestants at night can be beneficial with symptoms of the sinus. However, they cannot overcome the problem entirely in the event of a severe infection.

You would want to see a doctor if you have a sinus infection or other sinus symptoms which are serious or last for more than a few weeks. You can treat the problem if you visit the right place for treatment.

Book your schedule with OKOA. We are located in OKC and can provide you with the right acute sinusitis treatment for a permanent solution.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.