How Can You Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

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Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder. It can cause several health problems. There are basically two types of sleep apnea - Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder. It involves repetitive episodes of air blockage during sleep. It results in fragmented sleep, and decreases the flow of oxygen in the body. If OSA is left untreated, it can create different symptoms including high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks. Therefore, sleep apnea treatment is necessary. If you are in OKC, you can find a sleep clinic to aid you further.

How does OSA impact life?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is difficult to handle without treatment. The first and foremost step is to inform the patients that he/she is having OSA.

OSA can cause you to have daytime drowsiness; therefore, it puts immense pressure on your mind and body. It's important to let patients know about the disease first. Research has found that change in lifestyle can reduce the impact of OSA to a certain point; therefore, it's important to educate the patients first.

Possible lifestyle changes

  • Weight loss can surely reduce the severity of OSA. Heavy weight increases the size of fat deposits in the tongue and back of the throat that creates air blockage and restricts the air.

  • Exercise can help you to lose weight, thereby, reducing the risk of OSA.

  • Alcohol and sedatives have a greater impact on OSA. Sedatives subsides the tissues near the airways and alcohol in many cases, causes fragmented sleep. By removing sedatives and alcohol one can reduce the impact of OSA, especially during the bedtime.

  • By adjusting the sleep position, you can actually reduce the risk of having Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It's recommended that you not sleep on your back. Still if you are experiencing OSA it's better to look for a sleep apnea treatment.

Treatment of OSA

Usage of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) device is highly recommended treatment for Obstructive sleep apnea. The PAP machine helps the air reach the airways through a hose. A pumping method is used in this case that pressurizes the air to reach the airway. This steady flow of air prevents the risk of airway collapse and also reduces the risk of fragmented sleep. If you are in OKC, you can get in touch with a sleep clinic to help you find certain treatments for your disease.

Another treatment for mild OSA is the use of mouthpieces or oral appliances. Two main types of mouthpieces are Mandibular Advancement Devices that help pulling the lower jaw forward to make sure there are no such constriction and Tongue Retaining Devices that keep the tongue away from sliding back in the mouth.

At Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC, we provide high quality and comprehensive healthcare to our patients. Our Air, Nose and Throat specialists will help you find the cause of your disease and provide you with permanent relief. Contact us now to schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.