Eyelid Surgery - Need, Preparation and Recovery Tips

Blepharoplastic or eyelid surgery, is a way to get more youthful, luminous eyes. This surgery that is most common cosmetic procedures in the United States. Blepharoplasty is common between men and women for removing excess skin or tissue from the area of the eyelid. Patients in OKC seek eyelid surgery to improve the look of sagging of the eyelids and puffiness of the under-eye bags. The underlying muscles are further modified and smoothed and support the surrounding eyelid tissue.

This is a plastic surgery with a brief and straightforward downtime for most patients in OKC. It is nevertheless important to realize that blepharoplasty recovery time may differ from one patient to another. Several factors can influence recovery, including pain tolerance, general health, one’s natural recovery response to their body undergoing a surgical procedure.

Causes of Eyelid Imperfections

The skin is delicate and thin around the eye and so it’s often here that aging of the skin is most visible. As it loses elasticity, it starts to stretch, and this causes the extended skin to fall over the eyes. This causes a droopy look to the eyelids. The top eyelid may slope enough to restrict the field of vision.

The effect is a little different on the lower eyelid. There are small deposits of fat under our eyes that help the eye socket to cushion. When the skin of lower eyelids loses its elasticity, it may cause bulging under the eye causing a baggy look.

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Preparation for Surgery

  • For undergoing surgery, here are some preparations you need to follow:

  • Avoid or stop the use of tobacco products

  • Avoid alcohol consumption

  • Stop taking some medicines and supplements; your doctor will advise

  • Bring sunglasses and prescribed glasses; no contacts

  • In the night before the surgery, follow your surgeon's special washing or bathing instructions. Get a nice restful sleep.

  • On the day of surgery, don’t wear makeup, lotion, perfume, and facial creams. Same goes for your jewelry. Come in comfortable, loose clothes.

People Eligible for the Surgery

Eyelid surgery is a straightforward outpatient operation. It is suitable for people who are generally considered healthy. The operation can be performed for both men and women and is appropriate for people from all backgrounds. For people above 35 years of age, blepharoplasty is generally recommended if eyelid appearance begins to indicate signs of aging. In some cases, a person with a medical condition affecting the eyes, such as glaucoma, or a family history of eyelid problems will not be eligible.

Speedy Recovery Tips

  • Follow all your surgeon's post-operative instructions always.

  • Meet your provider for all post-surgery appointments.

  • Avoid alcohol, smoking cigarettes or taking drugs that your surgeon doesn't advise to take.

  • Find a good caregiver in the first week to assist you. You will probably need help with young children.

  • To assist with bruising or swelling, get a cold compress.

  • Sleep with your head inclined upward.

  • Avoid excessive stress by getting plenty of rest all day long.

  • Do not use contacts until your provider has cleared them.

  • Eat foods that are light and healthy and drink plenty of water.

For further information on eyelid preparation and improvement of your total surgical results, please contact a qualified plastic surgeon today. We are excited to show you here at Oklahoma Otolaryngology Associates, LLC what eyelid surgery in OKC can do for you. Make an appointment with our office today to reveal your new, younger look.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.