Do You Need to Worry About Tonsil Stones?

We all have heard the terms gallstones or kidney stones. But have you heard of the term tonsil stones? Yes, it is possible. You will see tonsils at the back of your throat. It is made of soft tissue that prevents germs from entering your body.

However, there are times when you may get infections in your tonsils, and it can be really painful. Whenever you feel uncomfortable in swallowing or feel burning sensation in your tonsils, you must see ENT doctors in OKC. Even though not all tonsil problems will lead to tonsil stones, it is better to get checked.

Tonsil Stones:

Our tonsils have many nooks and folds that are ideal for bacteria to get trapped. Sometimes these bacteria along with other debris form a white cluster on your tonsils. You may feel uncomfortable while swallowing. If it is untreated by ENT doctors, the stone may get bigger in size and may cause pain.

Symptoms To Look For:

If you are prone to getting tonsil infection pretty often, you are more prone to having tonsil stone. According to the ENT doctors in OKC are a few symptoms that you may experience when you have tonsil stone:

  • Sore throat

  • Bad breath

  • While tonsils

  • Swelled tonsils

  • Ear pain

  • Difficulty in swallowing

How to Prevent?

As we mentioned before, you are prone to getting tonsil stones if you often get tonsil inflammations. If you catch cold, your tonsils may get inflamed and infected, which can lead to having tonsil stones. So, many people drink lukewarm water so that they do not catch cold. Also, the lukewarm water helps calm your tonsils. But it is definitely not a full-proof way of preventing tonsil stones.

The one way that will surely work is to get your tonsils removed surgically. You can talk to the ENT doctors who will perform tonsillectomy on you. You will be put under general anesthesia for the surgery. You may experience sore throat for a couple of days after the surgery.

How to treat tonsil stones?

The treatment of your tonsil stones will depend on the size of the stones and the symptoms you are experiencing. If you do not experience serious symptoms or discomfort, you may not need extensive treatment. You can gargle with warm salted water and drink lukewarm water to get relief.

In case of serious problems, you may see ENT doctors who can prescribe you antibiotics. Even though the medicines will help relieve the pain and soreness, this will not prevent tonsil stones from reappearing. You better get yourself checked by an experienced otolaryngologist. Call OKOA who can be your best guide throughout the journey of your treatment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

Brandon Shavers