Do Humidifiers Help in Reducing Snoring?


Snoring is a severe problem and one of the major causes of sleep disturbances. It has been found that many partners often get separated due to excessive snoring of one of the spouses. Lack of sleep is a major issue that most of the people face now. Sleep disturbances like sleep apnea is a serious disease faced by millions of people. Opting for sleep apnea treatment is a must who suffer from excessive snoring.

A shortage of sleep can lead to a lot of adverse consequences like difficulty in concentrating in work, frustration, stress and more. Over time, the lack of sleep can also lead to heart issues and risk of stroke.

Many of the statements have come up that argue that humidifier helps to reduce the snoring process. However, before getting into this argument in details, let us learn what causes snoring.

Causes of Snoring

Snoring can be a result of lots of health conditions. One of the dangerous causes of excessive snoring is sleep apnea. This is a chronic condition that leads to shortness of breath at the time of sleeping. People who have severe sleep apnea tend to snore excessively.

There are many other issues associated with the causes of snoring. Some of those are as follows:

  • Respiratory illness

  • Allergies

  • Obesity

  • Sleep position

  • Alcohol during bedtime and more

Snoring happens when the air passageways get narrowed. When the airflow in the nasal track is restricted and it makes each breath rattle, snoring occurs.

How Humidifier Helps in Decreasing Snoring?

If you think that there is an immediate solution to it, the answer will be no. But, in the long run, it may help. However, there are certain terms and conditions with it. If you are a patient of allergies and respiratory illness, a humidifier might help in these cases.

Humidifier intensifies moisture to the air and helps to promote loosen and drain mucus. This can help in reducing some of the symptoms like reduced throat irritation, less restriction in the nasal air passage, and also decreased risk of snoring.

When Do You Need Treatment?

If you find out that a humidifier is also not enough for reducing snoring, there can be a risk of sleep apnea and not mere allergies of respiratory illness. At that time, you should consult a doctor and go for sleep apnea treatment. Visit OKOA to get in touch with experienced and qualified doctors.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.